Ever thought the price on rare German-made Lugers has been over the moon for generations, making them impossible to acquire? Well, the good news for that is a huge shipment– we are talking cases and containers– is headed this way from Africa.
This includes P06 Navy Lugers, all-matching DWM Lugers, Persian contract Artillery Lugers, Kreighoff Lugers– the holy grail of Lugerdom!– and VoPo Lugers, some kept in German arsenal storage as late as the 1980s.
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Added to this are everything from S&W Model 28s and Colt Pythons, a Borchardt C93, Cz. 52s, wartime P-38s, Italian revolvers and pistols of all sorts, Browning Hi-Powers, you name it!
Uwe from Royal Tiger Imports has the scoop on this haul, recently imported from Africa, in the below video from RTI.